Membership Status of Kasambahay is "Temporary". For the SSS, if the Registrant is unavailable to sign the document, SS Number shall still be issued, subject to the following conditions:. Pag‐IBIG/PhilHealth/SSS branch will review and process the registration and issue the membership numbers. You can also download the forms online, links are available under "Documents to Use" section. The forms are available at any Pag‐IBIG/PhilHealth/SSS branch/One Stop Shops. When you go to a Pag‐IBIG/PhilHealth/SSS branch you will be asked to complete a Household Employer Unified Registration Form (to be completed by the household employer or his/her representative) and Kasambahay Unified Registration Form (to be completed by the kasambahay). The application can be submitted/filed personally by the household employer or by his/her authorized representative. Registration of the Kasambahay is the household employer's responsibility. But, please note that after registration, if you have any update/s or change/s in the Employer Information you should file a separate application to each of the 3 Agencies - Pag-IBIG, PhilHealth and SSS.
Since you will be using the Unified Registration Forms you do not need to submit separate applications to SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG, you can submit your application (just one) to the any nearest Pag‐IBIG/PhilHealth/SSS branch.
Here's how you can register your Kasambahay with SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG.