Make sure you install Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
What Do All of Those Requirements Really Mean?
You must have the Visual Studio 2015 SDK installed. You're going to need the C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015. Using the binaries whichi allow you to compile and build your Swift code requires your machine to be running a 64 bit processor. The end result is a Windows binary that runs your limited Swift code. It will allow you to learn Swift syntax and some Swift API, but you will not be able to write iOS apps. The information at the GitHub link mentions a few things that are required to build Swift on Windows and I want to mention those and a few other things here so you don't get your hopes up that you are going to be able to build an iOS app on Windows. I couldn't believe that it had actually turned my Swift code into a honest-to-goodness Windows EXE!!! Prerequisites & Caveats I followed the cryptic steps at the GitHub link, wrote the most basic Swift test code, compiled, built it and ran it. Somehow I stumbled upon an Infoworld article ( Swift for Windows arrives at last, but as an unofficial port | InfoWorld) which had a link to GitHub repo that had pre-built binaries that supposedly would help me compile, build and run Swift code. Swift is an open source language so I hoped and then I Googled. Recently, I was quite desperate for a way to write some Swift code without being required to have a Mac available. Download 1st.zip (first.swift source) - 212 B. Download book.zip (book.swift source) - 348 B. I'm looking for any help to configure correctly this issue for working on programming. I've tried to set up launch.json on VS Code for debugging Swift and Playground languages. What do I need to make to configure correctly the launch.json for debugging Swift (and also Playground) language? Above I've attached some print screens on the Visual Studio Code. Then, I decided to making this question here.
I've made some researches on google, but couldn't solve this issue. But I have no success to set up the launch.json file for debugging. So, I downloaded Visual Studio Code 2022 for Mac and have installed the right extensions for compiling Swift language, including LLDB. However I already set up the Xcode Command Line Tools using brew. I'm using a MacBook Air 2017 and I installed VS Code for Mac, 'cause my Mac doesn't have enough space for downloading Xcode. I'm a beginner on stack overflow and also for programming.